Jumat, Oktober 03, 2008

Demam Perubahan dimana-mana

Berikut ini saya postingkan hasil blogwalking saya kemarin yaitu pernyataan para kandidat presiden AS: Hillary Clinton, John McCain, and Barack Obama. Untuk iseng2 tak-berhadiah, cobalah mengaitkan pernyataan yang terekam bulan-bulan ini di negara jawara demokrasi itu dengan masing-masing capres: 

1) “My friends, I am most proud of the change that I brought about in Iraq that saved Americans’ lives.”1

2) “Change is just a word without the strength and experience to make it happen. And I know some people think you have to choose between change and experience. Well with me, you don’t have to choose.”2

3) “…the ways of Washington must change. The genius of our founders is that they designed a system of government that can be changed. And we should take heart, because we’ve changed this country before. … This campaign has to be about reclaiming the meaning of citizenship, restoring our sense of common purpose, and realizing that few obstacles can withstand the power of millions of voices calling for change.”3

Mudah-mudahan maksud kuiz ini tidak disalahpahami karena niatnya jelas positif semata. Nampaknya akhir-akhir ini, jika seseorang punya ambisi  untuk jabatan politis apapun, apakah itu panglima militer atau sekedar presiden klub  tenis,  maka orang tersebut harus dipersepsi sebagai "kandidat jawara perubahan".

Lihat, fenomena ini meruyak tidak semata di dunia politik. Bahkan bidang seperti lingkungan hidup  atau bidang aktivitas sosial lainnya kini juga terjangkiti dengan jargon-jargon "perubahan".

I hope you will not sell your energy and desire for change for the price of cheap talk, chump change, or fool’s gold.

I hope you will not shut your eyes and close your ears.

I hope you will go beyond the rhetoric and determine for yourself which change is genuine.

I hope you will listen to your heart to determine what things mean the most to you and then educate yourself about the best ways to protect and preserve them.

I hope you will be a force for change and a role model to others.

I hope you will make “change” more than just the latest buzzword, fad, gimmick, hype, humbug, and trend.

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